
Mazapan Wednesday Bulletin August 5th

Information/ Información


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjGouKgsjpM


Open House Announcement/ Anuncio de Puertas Abiertas


Counselor's Corner

El Rincón de Consejería


As we continue with distance learning, motivating your children is central to their success. Motivation means ensuring they are interested, involved and confident in their learning. As parents you play an important role by providing your children with encouragement and feedback. 

A medida que continuamos con el aprendizaje a distancia, motivar a sus hijos es fundamental para su éxito. La motivación significa asegurarse de que estén interesados, involucrados y con confianza en su aprendizaje. Como padres, ustedes juegan un papel importante al brindarles a sus hijos estímulo y comentarios.

About the School

Mazapan School is a Nursery-12 co-educational bilingual school Founded in 1928 and located in La Ceiba, Honduras, offers an U.S.-style college preparatory instruction program. The students attending Mazapan School become fluent in both English and Spanish and receive a U.S. High School diploma and a Honduran Baccalaureate degree.

Address and phone numbers

Mazapan School
6th Street, Beckman Avenue
Zona Mazapan
La Ceiba, Honduras
Phone: +(504) 2443-2716
+(504) 2443-1001 ext 2600